How I built my website

1 minute read

ver. 0.1 The website was born


Initiating the website

The website is hosted by GitHub Pages, and is powered by Jekyll & Minimal Mistakes.

First, I created a GitHub Pages repository to host my website:

Second, I found the free website theme on Jekyll Themes.

Third, I downloaded the theme files, and uploaded the files to my repository. Then I published my site. Voila! I’ve got a website up and running!

Configuration and settings

Then, I made changes to the settings and personalized my site.

  1. \_root\_config.yml
  2. \_data\navigation.yml


Add a new post: name it

Front Matter settings:

title: "Title of the post"
date: 2021-07-19T22:00:02-04:00
last_modified_at: 2021-07-20T16:00:02-04:00
excerpt_separator: "<!--more-->"
   - blog
   - resource
   - journey
   - stats
   - r
   - website
   - skill
   - training
   - academia
   - event
   - research
   - paper
   - conference
   - talk
   - presentation
   - education
   - job
   - service
   - teaching
   - first
   - lgbtq+

Handy functions:

> Quote something.
> <cite><a href="">Link to the site</a></cite>

Quote something.

Link to the site

Kramdown {: .notice} : can be added after a sentence as a new line

Light Grey Notice: {: .notice}

Grey Notice: {: .notice--primary}

Blue Notice: {: .notice--info}

Orange Notice: {: .notice--warning}

Red Notice: {: .notice--danger}

Green Notice: {: .notice--success}

Wrap several paragraphs or other elements in a notice:

{% capture notice-2 %}
#### New Site Features

* You can now have cover images on blog pages
* Drafts will now auto-save while writing
{% endcapture %}

<div class="notice">
  {{ notice-2 | markdownify }}

Update the website

Commit and push changes to the GitHub repository.


  1. Docs-start guide
  2. Docs-pages
  3. About-notable features

ver. 1.0 Published the first complete version


Updated pages and posts.